Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wednesday - Director's Notes

Today's rehearsal went pretty well...we started from the top and pushed all the way through curtain call! I'm impressed with the way the kids are listening to notes and applying them in practice! WELL DONE!

Here's the scoop on tomorrow: 

  • PAC should report to gym in costume no later than 12:30 tomorrow for afternoon show. We will go to cafeteria around 1:00 to line up.
  • There is NO REHEARSAL after school tomorrow. Students should go home in their normal way.
  • REPORT TO SCHOOL NO LATER THAN 6:15 PM tomorrow night! Show time is 7:00 PM. Parents, you will definitely want to be here by the call time as it becomes crowded VERY fast!
Notes on today's rehearsal:
  • EXCELLENT JOB SQUIRRELS!!!! Mrs. Wilhoite has done an awesome job on ears & tails! She will finish them up in the morning. They look adorable!
  • OOMPAS were rocking it! I'll try to work with them during my planning at 9 AM and review all of their songs just to firm up lyrics one last time if teachers will allow. I'M SO PROUD of them! They look awesome! Great job on the costumes, parents!
  • WONKA, CHARLIE & GRANDPA JOE - Nailed it today! So proud of you three! Keep reviewing the final scene & fizzy lifting.
  • GOLDEN TICKET - Review Fizzy Lifting & TV scenes. Those were the only ones that were a little slow today. You got through them just fine, but they can be tighter and faster.
  • PINK CANDY BOAT - This went well! Great job KENDALL & ANNA MARIE! Golden Ticket winners - don't lean on the's not real you know! ;)
  • MIC ISSUES - Mrs. Holmes will be working on the issues with Charlie & Grandpa Joe's mics. There were some shorts. We'll get it figured out!
  • CURTAIN - Keep an eye on when the curtain is supposed to open/close especially at the tricky part at the beginning when it's a 1/2 open.
  • KALEIGH & EDELYN - Great job backstage listening for your sound cues! That's tough but you're doing awesome!
  • SOPHIE - Perfect with the contract!
  • GOLDEN TICKET - Remember your two spots are either pink gear or orange gear only. Never wander around the stage unless it's the very beginning when you're finding candy on the stage.
  • BUCKET FAMILY - Awesome job on Cheer Up, Charlie!!! Yay!!! You guys nailed all of your scenes today! Remember, try NOT to watch what's happening on the stage...I know it's hard!
  • CANDY KIDS - Keep on being awesome! Golden Age was great. Remember what you're supposed to do in Candy Man!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tuesday - Director's Notes

So much accomplished today! Costumes, lights, sound... The kids did great listening to directions! Working with the set and ALL the props (did you see that prop list?!) would be intimidating for adults! Have I mentioned your kids are doing a show meant for middle schoolers? They are handling it like champs!

Here are notes from today's rehearsal. I apologize for it being later.

  • Need to make sure stage props are laid out on a prop table before the show if possible:
    • Golden Tickets
    • Wonka Box with Candy bars
    • German Flag & British Flag (both go to Angelina before news bits). She can stuff in her pocket after she says where she is or intoduces Golden Ticket winners.
  • All SQUIRRELS, OOMPAS need to have hair pulled into ponytails or buns.
  • CANDY KIDS need to have hair pulled back but not necessarily all the way up.
  • WONKA's hair needs to be pulled back.
  • MRS. SALT, MRS. TEAVEE - Missed lines today. Please review.
  • GRANDPA JOE - Wear dress pants and dress shirt under pj top for quick change. 
  • BUCKET FAMILY - Have knitting, cards preset on Bucket bench.
  • OOMPAS - GREAT, GREAT, GREAT JOB TODAY going with the flow!!!!!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!
    • Go over all the OOMPA songs - they are tricky and confusing!
    • Don't stress over the choreo...I'd rather you sing out and sing the right words than worry about having the right moves!
    • OOMPAS 1-5 never leave the will always be working! :)
  • GOLDEN TICKET - Don't forget your two locations on stage are PINK gear or ORANGE gear. Always stay together and stay at your mark on stage!
  • VIOLET - Practice blowing yourself up! :)
  • VERUCA - Good scene today with SQUIRRELS!
  • ALWAYS, ALWAYS BE QUIET when you exit the stage. Someone may be wearing a mic right beside you and we don't want the audience hearing that you need to use the bathroom! 😉
  • JAMES mic goes to VERUCA after Candy Man. MATILDA mic goes to VIOLET after Candy Man.
  • SOPHIE C will bring on the CONTRACT after Wonka takes up the Golden Tickets at the gates then disappear.
  • ELLA & JARED will work with me during planning tomorrow on Fizzy Lifting scene.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday - Director's Notes

Good .rehearsal today! The first day on stage with the set is always bumpy. The kids were very patient and listened extremely well. I was EXTREMELY thankful for the help of Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Donovan, Mrs. Brewer, Mr. Henson, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Marmino and Mrs. Holmes today!

Here are a few notes from today. Some are for the kids, some for parents.

  • BUCKET FAMILY - Review all lines. Practice "Cheer Up, Charlie"and "I've Got a Golden Ticket." 
  • GOLDEN TICKET - Practice "I've Got a Golden Ticket". Should be much stronger tomorrow! Stay in a line when Wonka is asking for your tickets. Don't move out of those positions.
  • SQUIRRELS - Great job practicing on stage! We will have your acorns tomorrow! Remember your positions on the stage and platform!
  • OOMPA LOOMPAS - Practice ALL of your songs and SING OUT! I'd rather hear you than see you do the choreography!
  • TV CREW - Nice job adapting today! Camera was delivered this afternoon (Will).
  • WONKA - Great job rolling with things today. Listen to Mrs. Shepard - she has your entrances written down. When in doubt, ask her. Don't forget to lead Ticket Winners into the factor so Kayleigh can close the curtains and the gates can be moved out. Then, get everyone into places when you say "NOW NOW NOW" right before curtains reopen.
  • CANDY MAN - Let's make sure you have 2 candy bars in that box for tomorrow! We need a scarf for you!
  • CHARLIE - Great job today! 
  • CANDY KIDS - Good job being flexible today! I know it was a lot of waiting! I need you to be ready to help Mrs. Shepard with any set or prop items if she needs it.
    • Edelyn - Great job with light box!
    • Kayleigh - I'll have your curtain list up hopefully tomorrow.
    • Anna Marie & Kendall - You'll enter through the double doors before the Ticket Winners and get the Candy Boat ready.
    • Sophie - You will bring in the contract for Ticket Winners to sign when Wonka is at the gates of the factory.
  • COSTUMES - Students should be dressed in costume by 2nd bell tomorrow by the time PAC begins if teachers allow. This will allow us to begin our run-through on time by 3 PM. It appears that nearly everyone has their costume which is awesome!!!
  • NOTE ABOUT OOMPA COSTUME - Suspenders should have the X in the front :)
  • NOTE ABOUT SQUIRREL COSTUME - Tails will not be added until Wednesday to prevent any tail mishaps! We could use a mom or two to help safety pin tails to hoodies if you're available!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Wonka Workers Needed

PAC Families & Friends,

This is the time of year I come begging, pleading, praying for folks to step up and help during the week of the show. Our PAC Families never disappoint and I’m praying that this year will be no different. It does take a village of volunteers to pull off a smooth production of youngsters. There is NO WAY I can do it alone!

I’m asking each of you to check your availability on the following days/times. Your help means more than all the coffee at Starbucks (and that’s really saying something)!! Please note that if you are available to help on a performance day, you will need to be present during at least one dress rehearsal. Thank you all so much for trusting your kids with me this spring! We have had a blast working together!


Cafeteria – The Cafeteria is essentially the “green room” for our students while the show is in progress. We need one adult in the cafeteria to make sure students are occupied with a book, homework or watching a movie (in other words being very quiet) so they can be ready for their cue!

Backstage – Two adults are needed for this post. One will remain at the backstage door and another near the intermediate gym door. These are essentially the stage managers of the show making sure the students are ready for their entrances.

Hallway – One adult is needed to stay in the intermediate hallway to help students know when their scenes are coming up and get them ready to go on stage. The hallway adult may also need to help if any quick changes or props are needed.

Sound Table – An adult is needed to help Mrs. Curry at the sound table as an extra set of hands to help with the light and sound board. Mrs. Curry can run the music if needed.

Help Needed
Monday 5/14,

Maggie Brewer
Darcy Shepard
Jenna Allen
Michelle Marmino
Mike Henson
Sound Table
Kitty Holmes
Tuesday 5/15,
Michelle Marmino
Darcy Shepard
Maria Spurlock
Brooke Donovan
Sound Table
Kitty Holmes
Wednesday 5/16,
Michelle Marmino
Darcy Shepard
Becky Cotner
Brooke Donovan
Sound Table
Kitty Holmes
Thursday 5/17,
School Performance

Bobbi Osborne
Darcy Shepard
Jenna Allen
Mike Henson
Sound Table
Kitty Holmes
Thursday 5/17,
Night Performance
Maggie Brewer
Darcy Shepard
Maria Spurlock
Heather Hastings
Sound Table
Kitty Holmes
Friday 5/18,
School Performance

Michelle Marmino
Darcy Shepard
Maria Spurlock
Jenna Allen
Sound Table
Kitty Holmes

Sunday, April 8, 2018

April/May Rehearsal Schedule

Flexibility is key in theatre and life! 

Here is our rehearsal schedule for the next few weeks. Please pay close attention to it. It includes additional rehearsal days that will account for some of our missed rehearsals last month. Hopefully, this will put us back on track! I'm asking that all cast be off book by next Monday, April 16th. This may seem soon, but hopefully all have been practicing on their own time and (at this point) we literally have no time to lose. 

Over the next several days, you will find links to costume information and prop needs added to this blog so please be checking often. As always, I appreciate your support! Remember...We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Wonka Rehearsal Schedule

CLICK HERE FOR A TENTATIVE REHEARSAL SCHEDULE for Willy Wonka JR! Remember: Not all characters will be required for every rehearsal. Please sign up for Remind texts (@easternpac to 81010) and join Eastern Elementary Performing Arts Club on Facebook to stay updated on any last minute changes.