Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Wednesday - Director's Notes

Today's rehearsal went pretty well...we started from the top and pushed all the way through curtain call! I'm impressed with the way the kids are listening to notes and applying them in practice! WELL DONE!

Here's the scoop on tomorrow: 

  • PAC should report to gym in costume no later than 12:30 tomorrow for afternoon show. We will go to cafeteria around 1:00 to line up.
  • There is NO REHEARSAL after school tomorrow. Students should go home in their normal way.
  • REPORT TO SCHOOL NO LATER THAN 6:15 PM tomorrow night! Show time is 7:00 PM. Parents, you will definitely want to be here by the call time as it becomes crowded VERY fast!
Notes on today's rehearsal:
  • EXCELLENT JOB SQUIRRELS!!!! Mrs. Wilhoite has done an awesome job on ears & tails! She will finish them up in the morning. They look adorable!
  • OOMPAS were rocking it! I'll try to work with them during my planning at 9 AM and review all of their songs just to firm up lyrics one last time if teachers will allow. I'M SO PROUD of them! They look awesome! Great job on the costumes, parents!
  • WONKA, CHARLIE & GRANDPA JOE - Nailed it today! So proud of you three! Keep reviewing the final scene & fizzy lifting.
  • GOLDEN TICKET - Review Fizzy Lifting & TV scenes. Those were the only ones that were a little slow today. You got through them just fine, but they can be tighter and faster.
  • PINK CANDY BOAT - This went well! Great job KENDALL & ANNA MARIE! Golden Ticket winners - don't lean on the's not real you know! ;)
  • MIC ISSUES - Mrs. Holmes will be working on the issues with Charlie & Grandpa Joe's mics. There were some shorts. We'll get it figured out!
  • CURTAIN - Keep an eye on when the curtain is supposed to open/close especially at the tricky part at the beginning when it's a 1/2 open.
  • KALEIGH & EDELYN - Great job backstage listening for your sound cues! That's tough but you're doing awesome!
  • SOPHIE - Perfect with the contract!
  • GOLDEN TICKET - Remember your two spots are either pink gear or orange gear only. Never wander around the stage unless it's the very beginning when you're finding candy on the stage.
  • BUCKET FAMILY - Awesome job on Cheer Up, Charlie!!! Yay!!! You guys nailed all of your scenes today! Remember, try NOT to watch what's happening on the stage...I know it's hard!
  • CANDY KIDS - Keep on being awesome! Golden Age was great. Remember what you're supposed to do in Candy Man!