JOLLY GENTLEMEN - Yes, Virginia! by alycurry
- Long red wool style dress coat (Goodwill, Salvation Army, family closet)
- Gold or holiday style vest (thrift shop, formal wear shop, family closet)
- Black or holiday style tie or bowtie (department store, family closet)
- White dress shirt (department store, family closet)
- Black dress pants (department store, family closet)
- Black rubber soled shoes (department store, family closet)
- Black felt or wool top hat (not plastic) (Halloween Express - New Circle, Party City, formal wear shop rental)
- White Santa style beard (Halloween Express, Party City)
- Cane (optional) (Goodwill, Salvation Army, family closet)
- White dress shirt (department store or family closet)
- Long black or dark gray dress coat (department store, family closet or thrift shop)
- Black dress pants (department store)
- Gray vest and tie (department store, thrift shop or family closet)
- Black or gray fedora style hat (department store, thrift shop, Halloween Express, Party City)
- Briefcase or satchel...preferably leather style to fit period (thrift shop, department store)
MAILMAN - Yes, Virginia! by alycurry
- Conductor style hat (Halloween express, discount store)
- Navy dress pants (department store, thrift shop)
- Light blue dress shirt (department store)
- Navy blue or dark wool dress coat (department store, thrift shop or family closet)
- Dark dress shoes (department store)
- Mailbag/canvas bag
- White chef's hat
- Chef/baker jacket (Amazon, C-Worth restaurant supply, Halloween Express)
- Black dress pants (deparment store, thrift store)
- Dark dress shoes (department store)
- Fake bread on tray or in baskets
- Denim overalls (Walmart, department store, thrift shop)
- Plaid, flannel shirt (department store or thrift shop)
- Work boots (department store)
- Vintage style wool cap (department store or family closet)
- Long black skirt or jumper (homemade, department store or thrift shop)
- Vintage style white apron (homemade, Halloween Express or family closet)
- Dark wool style dress coat (department store, thrift shop)
- Black granny style boots (department store, thrift shop or family closet)
- Black tights
LIBRARY KIDS (Boys) - Yes, Virginia! by alycurry
- Striped or checkered long sleeved shirt (department store or family closet)
- Dark khaki pants (department store)
- Dark shoes (department store)
- Suspenders (department store or family closet)
- Black or gray vest (department store, thrift shop or family closet)
- White blouse
- Knee length plaid skirt (homemade, department store, thrift shop or family closet)
- Black granny style boots
- Black tights
SCRAGGLY SANTA - Yes, Virginia by alycurry
- White t-shirt (Walmart)
- Red sweatpants cut short (Walmart, Target)
- White socks
- Black dress shoes (department store)
- Black suspenders (department store)
- Santa hat (Halloween Express, Walmart)
CITY DWELLERS (4th & 5th Grade Girls) - Yes, Virginia by alycurry
- Long wool style dress coat (department store, thrift shop or family closet)
- Knit scarf (department store)
- Long wool or knit skirt in dark color or plaid (homemade, department store or thrift shop)
- Black granny style boots (department store, thrift shop or family closet)
- Vintage style hat (department store, thrift shop or family closet)
OLLIE - Yes, Virginia by alycurry
- White dress shirt (department store or family closet)
- Suspender/Knee pants combo (, department store)
- Navy blue or gray wool style dress coat (department store, thrift shop or family closet)
- Argyle knee socks (department store)
- Brown or dark dress boots (department store)